Today is my Wedding Anniversary. I had no idea the day I married Shane that I could be so happy, or that we could be so in love. My life with Shane has exceeded all of my expectations.

Sadly, Shane is out of town right now for work, but I did get to spend the day with the most precious boy that ever lived
Shoot! I forgot to congratulate you last night!
Happy anniversary you two.
You got it good!
I loved your wedding. Loved it. Congratulations on two great years! Are you back in UT yet?
Hope you had a great anniversary. James continues to grow like the speed of light! I'm not going to be able to recognize him when we see him again as he changes daily!
Congrats Lauren! Your baby is precious. Lindsay and I made your chicken enchiladas last night. :)
Congratulations!! Your wedding pic is gorgeous and the one of you and James is adorable. What a great day to get married ;)
Happy Anniversary! Wow, a husband, a house, a baby. What a year.
You better answer your phone the next time I call! Soren and I need to squeeze you and baba
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