
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have you seen James lately?

He likes to do this a lot. He's really good at it.

But, he's also pretty cute for a short little bald guy, so I can deal with the bad behavior.


  1. Oh, he is cute! How can you resist any and everything he desires?

  2. Wow, he kinda looks like Shane but he kinda looks like you.

  3. His eyes make me melt. Seriously though. He'll figure out the power of them soon enough if he hasn't already. For example, when he's older he'll get into trouble but then he'll make a face like THAT and you won't be able to raise a finger.

  4. He is so adorable! Yeah for you for posting pictures! Post more!

  5. i need an appointment to come over and hold him and bring him his knitty knits. seriously, when do you want me? i'll watch him and you can go out, or nap, or shower, or be on the computer.....

  6. Linked over to you from Happy Life blog. Your little guy is adorable! Seems we have similarities with our little ones. Check this post out for new ideas,
    Good Luck
