
Sunday, August 8, 2010

post script

I've been in the kitchen again. I'm cooking and writing new recipes, which makes me feel at home more than anything else. I'll start sharing soon..


  1. Love the new entrees. I went back and looked at your recipe/pictures. I should think that Williams Sonoma would hire you in a heartbeat! You have incredible talent! And I am not prejudice in the least! And besides food, you create simply beautiful and wonderful grandchildren for us.

  2. This is music to my ears! Bring on the recipes! I make your Enchiladas Verde all the time and it is always a hit...and I always make sure to give the credit to my fabulous cousin, Laurley.

  3. wow! looks amazing! hope the move went well.

  4. wow! looks amazing! hope the move went well.

  5. That looks so good. Can't wait for you to share new recipes and updates. :)

  6. Hi Lauren, I hope you won't find this weird, but I know people you know (Alison and Andrea Faulkner) and found your blog through Andrea's. Hopefully they can vouch for me not being creepy. I love your recipes and photos and for a while my husband and I would make the chocolate chip cookie recipe you posted all the time. Anyway, I check your blog from time to time and am happy to see new posts! We just moved as well, from Milwaukee to Albuquerque. Feel free to check our blog Maybe we can be internet friends. :)
